A.G & Sons | Official Website

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Our Distribution

AGS operates throughout the selected district level cities of sindh through 09 strategically located distribution centers covering over 3285+ customers. Supplied through the Sukkur. Our network provides fast , responsive and efficient service to customers throughout the length and breadth of the districts. Our 09 distribution centers have sufficient cold chain capability to provide efficacy and integrity of product quality to the end users. All the centers have back up power to ensure uninterrupted power supply. Our distribution centers provide excellent back office support which include a strong emphasis on customer service, on time delivery, credit control and sales promotion program support . To ensure that our service level meets with our Mission Statement and Corporate Objective a team of distribution executive ensure that inventory management is of the highest level and adequacy of supply is district wide. Our service level excluding principals stock out is above 99.9% . We follow Good Distribution practices which are regularly audited and approved of by our principals.


The cold chain distribution process is an extension of GMP. Our cold chain process is managed through a quality management system which is validated at regular intervals and ensures that there is no negative impact to the safety, efficacy or quality of the product. Supplies of vaccines and certain type of pharmaceuticals require a temp controlled environment and insulated packaging. To ensure on time delivery a exclusive team is engaged to supply these products. We are proud to say that we are the first distributor in the country who carries a wide range of products which require a unbroken cold chain.